List of files:

1Amein during Yishtabach.mp3
1Dvar Halacha Kaddish and Borchu After Davening.mp3
1Dvar Halacha Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei.m4a
1Tachanun – Two Elements of Nefillas Apayim.mp3
1Tefillah - Tachanun Concepts.mp3
1Tefillah - Tachanun Hefsek.mp3
60Second_Shiur22 (number 22) Tefilah - Hearing Kaddish During Shmoneh Esrei.MP3
60Second_Shiur23 (number 23) Tefillah - Chazzons Recitation of Kedusha.MP3
60Second_Shiur24 (number 24) Tefillah - Shaliach Tzibbur Responsibilities.MP3
60Second_shiur25 (number 25) Tefillah - Shaliach Tzibbur at end of Shmoneh Esrei.MP3
60Second_shiur26 (number 26) Tefillah - Shaliach Tzibbur During Kaddish.MP3
Doing things before davening Shacharis.MP3
Dvar Halacha Birchos Hashachar.mp3
Dvar Halacha Clean Hands Davening.mp3
Dvar Halacha Hallels Brocha.mp3
Dvar Halacha Hefsekim Between 18 And Tachanun.mp3
Dvar Halacha Standing When Aron Opens.mp3
Dvar Halacha Vesein Tal Umatar.mp3
DvarHalacha (20121021) walking in front of kaddish.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20100503) Tefillah - Stepping Back During Shmoneh Esrei.MP3
DvarHalacha (number 20100527) Tefillah - Uva LeTziyon Aramaic Parts.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20100905) Tefillah - Standing During Chazzoras hashatz .mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20100914) Tefillah - HaMelech Hamishpat.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20101004) Tefillah - Forgetting Mashiv HaRuach.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20101005) Tefillah - Forgetting Mashiv HaRuach Il.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20101006) Tefillah - Amen During Birkos Krias Shema.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20101007) Tefillah - Hallel Shalem and Missing a Word.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20101010) Tefillah - Answering Borchu When You Walk In.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20101012) Tefillah - Amen Before Modim.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110531) Sefer Torah Passul.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110601) Sefer Torah Passul II.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110612) Correcting a Baal Korei.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110613) Correcting a Baal Korei II.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110614) Correcting a Baal Korei III.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110615) Correcting a Baal Korei IV.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110616) Correcting a Baal Korei V.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110704) Tefillah - Bowing in Shmoneh Esrei.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110710) Tefillah - Baal Korei Shows Wrong Place.mp3
DvarHalacha (number 20110711) Tefillah - Baal Korei Shows Wrong Place II.mp3
DvarHalacha 3 Steps Back After Shemoneh Esrei (number 20120202).mp3
DvarHalacha Calling a Kohen up to the Torah (number 20111130).mp3
DvarHalacha Davening Opposite a Mirror (number 20120212).mp3
DvarHalacha Forgetting Yaaleh VYavo During Erev Shabbos Mincha (number 20100513).mp3
DvarHalacha Hagbah (number 20120208).mp3
DvarHalacha Hallel haShalem on Chanukah (number 20111227).mp3
DvarHalacha Keeping Your Feet Together During Shemoneh Esrei (number 20120606).mp3
DvarHalacha Personal Tefillos During Amida (number 20100614).mp3
DvarHalacha Singing Mizmor LSodah (number 20100509).mp3
DvarHalacha_ (number 20080818) Tefillah - Chazzan Responsibilities During Shmoneh Kedusha I.MP3
DvarHalacha_ (number 20080819) Tefillah - Chazzan Responsibilities During Kedusha II.MP3
DvarHalacha_Answering_Amen_After_Talking (number 20100117).MP3
DvarHalacha_Aron_Kodesh (number 20091221).MP3
DvarHalacha_Ashrei_Before_Mincha (number 20100118).MP3
DvarHalacha_BaruchHuBaruchShemo (number 20120122).mp3
DvarHalacha_BaruchHuBaruchShemo (number 20120123).mp3
DvarHalacha_Birkas_Kohanim_Decorum (number 20100104).MP3
DvarHalacha_Birkas_Kohanim_Decorum_part_2 (number 20100105).MP3
DvarHalacha_Davening_Along_With_the_Shliach_Tzibbur (number 20100103).MP3
DvarHalacha_Davening_vs._Using_the_Restroom (number 20091227).MP3
DvarHalacha_Issur_Hishtachavaya_Tachanun (number 20120129).mp3
DvarHalacha_Motioning_During_Shema (number 20100208).MP3
DvarHalacha_Parshas_HaAkeida (number 20091228).MP3
DvarHalacha_Pre-Refuah_Prayer (number 20100201).MP3
DvarHalacha_Pre-Shacharis_Activities (number 20090830).MP3
DvarHalacha_Walking_During_Shema (number 20100207).MP3
DvarHalacha_When_to_Say_Breech_Shmei (number 20100124).MP3
Tefilah - What SHould You Answer to First CH.mp3
Tefillah - Accompanying the Sefer Torah from and to the Aron Kodesh CH.mp3
Tefillah - Amen Yesoma.MP3
Tefillah - Answering Kedusha During Elokai CH.mp3
Tefillah - Ba'al Koreh Preparing or Talking in Public.mp3
Tefillah - Birchos Hashachar After Davening CH.mp3
Tefillah - Birkas Kohanim Mitzvah CH.mp3
Tefillah - chazzak chazzak.MP3
Tefillah - Chazzan Responsibilities During Kaddish.MP3
Tefillah - Chazzan Responsibilities During Shmoneh Esrei II.MP3
Tefillah - Checking Tzitzis Before Wearing Them CH.mp3
Tefillah - Confused Vesei Tal Umatar CH.mp3
Tefillah - Davening if you Need to Go to Bathroom I.mp3
Tefillah - Davening if you Need to Go to Bathroom II.mp3
Tefillah - differences in Yishtabach between the yachid and the shatz.MP3
Tefillah - Half Hallel Hefesekim CH.mp3
Tefillah - How Early Can You Put on Tefillin CH.mp3
Tefillah - kavana for poseich es yadechs.MP3
Tefillah - Kedushah and Lifting Up Your Eyes CH.mp3
Tefillah - Kohanim During Birkas Kohanim CH.mp3
Tefillah - Krias Hatorah Assur to Walk Out CH.mp3
Tefillah - Leaning during davening.MP3
Tefillah - Mincha on a Plane CH.mp3
Tefillah - Modim DeRabanan I.mp3
Tefillah - Modim DeRabanan II.mp3
Tefillah - must wash hands with water before davening.MP3
Tefillah - Say Yisthabach Right Away CH.mp3
Tefillah - saying Shema with the tzibbur.MP3
Tefillah - Shelo Asani Goy CH.mp3
Tefillah - Shliach Tzibbur Private Tefillah CH.mp3
Tefillah - Shmoneh Esrei When Travelling CH.mp3
Tefillah - standing for the brochos of the Oleh.MP3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 01 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 02 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 03 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 04 AND Big Yesod CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 05 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 06 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 07 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back After Shmoneh Esrei 08 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Stepping Back after Shmoneh Esrei CH May be repeat.mp3
Tefillah - Tachanun 02 CH.mp3
Tefillah - Tachanun the Idea 01 CH.mp3
Tefillah - the volume of the birchos hatorah.MP3
Tefillah - Washing Hands Before Davening CH.mp3
Tefillah - Washing Hands Before Mincha and Maariv CH.mp3
Tefillah - When a Baal Korei Makes a Mistake 02 CH.mp3
Tefillah - When a Baal Korei Makes a Mistake 03 CH.mp3
Tefillah - When a Baal Korei Makes a Mistake CH.mp3
Tefillah - When Shatz finishes Shmoneh Esrei.mp3
Tefillah - Yehiyhu LeRatzon CH.mp3
Tefillah - you didnt hear the chazzan can you answer.MP3
Tefillin retzuous must be black.MP3
Tu Bishvat No Tachanun.mp3
zeman kries shema.mp3